Container gardens are the perfect choice for a small garden. Whether you are looking to decorate a corner of the deck, have limited available space or simply want to add some more plants to an already full garden plan, container is a simple and decorative way to bring more plant life into your home.
Growing a successful container garden is fairly easy but there are a few things you should keep in minb to ensure the best possible result.
Choosing the Right Container
What makes a great container? First of all choose something that appeals to you. After that there are two features to a good container
- Bigger is better. Small pots restrict the root area and dry out very quickly.
- Lots of drainage. Make sure your container has adequate drainage holes. Large containers can weigh a lot, slowing or stopping the flow of water from the drain holes. Set large containers on bricks and the water will flow freely!
Use the Right Growing Mixture
All plants need a growing mixture. Container gardens require a couple of considerations when choosing a suitable growth medium.
- Always use new soil every year.
- Use a soil-less potting mix or a potting soil, not garden soil. Soil-less potting mixes and potting soils are lightweight and free of soil-borne disease and weed seeds. You can save your hard earned garden soil for the plants in your garden!
Since potting mixes drain water quickly, fertilizer will be washed out of the container as you water. Lighter soils will require more frequent fertilizing. It’s a good idea to use a liquid fertilizer every other watering.
Regular watering is the most important thing in having a successful container garden. Some plants will need to be watered daily, especially during hot, dry weather. Try testing for dryness just under the surface of the soil
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What To Grow?
As with any garden, grow what you love! The combination of plant materials is only limited to your imagination!! A container garden will need at least 5 hours of sunlight each day and many plants will benefit from even more. The amount of sunlight depends on the choice of plant material.
A well planted container garden will be easy to care for, providing you with added greenery, flowers, herb, or even delicious veggies. If you keep these five points in mind you will be well on your way to growing a pleasing and bountiful container garden.
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